How to get Zygarde Cells in Pokemon go? A Comprehensive Guide

Zygarde Cells are unique items in Pokemon GO, essential for unlocking Zygarde, a legendary Pokemon. These cells add an exciting element to the game, but finding and using them effectively can be a challenge.

We are here to help Pokemon GO players navigate the world of Zygarde Cells. We’ll provide you with valuable insights on what these cells are, How to get Zygarde Cells in Pokemon go, and how to maximize their potential. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, we will assist you in becoming a Zygarde expert.

How to get Zygarde Cells in Pokemon go

Understanding Zygarde Cells

What Are Zygarde Cells?

Zygarde Cells are special collectible items within the world of Pokemon GO. These small, green fragments are associated with the Legendary Pokemon Zygarde.

In Pokemon GO, Zygarde Cells play a vital role in the evolution of Zygarde into its more powerful forms. Collecting Zygarde Cells is necessary to complete Zygarde’s form changes and enhance its abilities.

Significance of Zygarde Cells in Pokemon GO

Zygarde Cells hold great significance as they are the key to unlocking Zygarde’s full potential in the game.

In the Pokemon GO universe, Zygarde can take on various forms, each with different abilities and strengths. Zygarde’s forms range from 10% Forme to its ultimate 100% Forme. To achieve these transformations, trainers need to gather Zygarde Cells and Core, which are rare and unique items.

Collecting Zygarde Cells and Cores is a challenging and rewarding aspect of the game, enabling trainers to unleash Zygarde’s true power.

How to get Zygarde Cells in Pokemon go?

In the Wild

Common Locations

Zygarde Cells can be found scattered throughout the Pokemon GO world in various locations. These locations include parks, forests, and areas with natural elements.

Weather and Time Influences

The availability of Zygarde Cells is influenced by in game weather conditions and the time of day. Trainers may have a better chance of encountering Zygarde Cells under specific weather patterns or during certain times.

From Raid Battles

Raid Boss Encounters

Zygarde Cells can also be obtained through participating in Raid Battles. These special battles against powerful Raid Bosses offer a chance to earn Zygarde Cells as rewards.

Rewards and Drop Rates

The likelihood of receiving Zygarde Cells as rewards from Raid Battles may vary. Trainers should participate in raids to increase their chances of obtaining these valuable items.

Using Special Research Tasks

Event Related Research Tasks

During in game events and special occasions, trainers may have access to specific research tasks that reward Zygarde Cells upon completion.

Rewards and Availability

These research tasks provide a structured way to acquire Zygarde Cells, and trainers should keep an eye out for such tasks during events.

Overall, the methods to find Zygarde Cells in Pokemon GO involve exploration, participation in raids, and taking advantage of special research tasks, all of which contribute to the evolution and enhancement of Zygarde.

Strategies for Collecting Zygarde Cells

Efficient Gameplay Tips

Prioritizing Areas with High Spawn Rates

Trainers looking to efficiently collect Zygarde Cells should focus on areas known for their high spawn rates of these valuable items. These areas often include parks, nature reserves, and locations with abundant natural elements.

Coordinating with Other Trainers

Collaboration with fellow trainers can be a smart strategy for Zygarde Cell collection. Organizing groups to explore and search for Zygarde Cells together increases the chances of finding these items, especially when they appear in hard to reach locations.

Utilizing In Game Events

Event Bonuses and Increased Spawns

Keeping an eye on in game events is essential for Zygarde Cell hunters. Pokemon GO frequently hosts events that offer bonuses and increased spawn rates for specific items, including Zygarde Cells. Participating in these events during their duration can significantly boost your Zygarde Cell collection.

Event Specific Challenges

Events often come with event specific challenges or research tasks that reward Zygarde Cells. Completing these tasks adds another layer of strategy to your collection efforts. Be sure to check for event related challenges and quests.

By following these efficient gameplay tips and capitalizing on in game events, trainers can optimize their Zygarde Cell collection strategies and work towards evolving Zygarde to its most formidable forms.


How many Zygarde Cells are needed for Zygarde’s Formes?

The number of Zygarde Cells required varies depending on the Forme you wish to achieve. For example, achieving Zygarde’s 10% Forme requires fewer cells than its Complete Forme. The game will provide you with information on the specific cell requirements for each Forme.

Can Zygarde Cells be traded or transferred?

Zygarde Cells cannot be traded or transferred between players in Pokemon GO. They are unique to each trainer’s game and are essential for individual Zygarde evolution.

Are Zygarde Cells available during special events?

Yes, Zygarde Cells can become more accessible during special in game events. These events may offer increased Zygarde Cell spawns, event specific challenges, or research tasks related to Zygarde Cells. Trainers should watch for such events to expedite their collection.

Are there any Zygarde Cell tracking apps or tools?

Pokemon GO discourages the use of third party apps or tools for tracking in game items, as these violate the game’s terms of service. Trainers are encouraged to rely on official in game events, quests, and tips from the community to locate Zygarde Cells.


Zygarde Cells are a vital component in enhancing Zygarde’s strength and unlocking its various Formes. Collecting these cells plays a crucial role in making Zygarde a formidable addition to a trainer’s team.

Trainers are urged to engage in Zygarde Cell collection responsibly, respecting the game’s terms of service and participating in game events and challenges to gather these valuable resources. Zygarde awaits its full potential, and trainers can make it happen through diligent collection efforts.

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