How to Get More Candy in Pokemon GO: A Comprehensive Guide

Candy is the precious resource that fuels progress in Pokemon GO, and understanding its importance is vital for every trainer. Each species of Pokemon requires a specific type of Candy to evolve or power up. For instance, if you want to evolve your Charmander into a powerful Charizard, you’ll need Charmander Candy. But, you may wonder, “How to get more candy in Pokemon GO?”. We’ve got you covered.

Gathering more Candy can be a game changer in Pokemon GO. It opens up possibilities for evolving rare and powerful Pokemon, making your team more diverse and formidable. Moreover, having ample Candy allows you to experiment with different Pokemon species and strategies, making your journey as a trainer more exciting. We’ll explore various ways to gather more Candy efficiently, ensuring you’re well equipped to tackle any challenge that comes your way in the world of Pokemon GO.

how to get more candy in pokemon go

Catching Pokemon for Candy

Regular Pokemon Encounters

One of the fundamental ways to acquire Candy in Pokemon GO is by catching Pokemon. During regular gameplay, you’ll encounter a variety of Pokemon in the wild. Each time you successfully capture one, you earn Candy specific to that Pokemon’s evolutionary line. For example, catching a Pidgey will grant you Pidgey Candy, while capturing a Pikachu provides Pikachu Candy.

Event Based Pokemon Catching

Pokemon GO frequently hosts special in game events that offer increased spawn rates for specific Pokemon. Participating in these events can be an excellent way to accumulate more Candy for certain species. Keep an eye on the in game announcements and community sources for information about upcoming events.

Using Berries and Poke Balls Effectively

When catching Pokemon, utilizing items like Berries and various types of Poke Balls can enhance your effectiveness. Razz Berries, for instance, can make Pokemon easier to catch, reducing the likelihood of them breaking free. Great Balls and Ultra Balls, on the other hand, improve your chances of capturing more stubborn or higher level Pokemon.

Hatching Eggs for Candy

Obtaining and Incubating Eggs

Another valuable method to gain Candy in Pokemon GO is by hatching Eggs. You can obtain Eggs from PokeStops, gifts, or special events. Once you have an Egg, it needs to be incubated to hatch. To incubate an Egg, follow these steps:

  • Open your Pokemon collection.
  • Access your Eggs.
  • Select an Egg to incubate.
  • Choose an incubator, either the unlimited use one (orange) or a limited use incubator (blue).
  • The Egg will hatch after you’ve walked the required distance.

Different Eggs require varying distances to hatch, with 2 km, 5 km, and 10 km being the most common categories. As you walk with the incubated Egg, it will hatch into a Pokemon, awarding you Candy specific to that Pokemon’s evolutionary line.

Hatching Eggs Efficiently

To maximize your Candy yield from hatching Eggs, always have an Egg incubating when you go out to play. You can simultaneously incubate multiple Eggs if you have additional incubators.

Furthermore, use items like Super Incubators, which hatch Eggs at a faster rate, allowing you to hatch more Eggs and earn Candy more quickly. These items can be acquired through in game events, research tasks, or by purchasing them in the shop.

Walking Your Buddy Pokemon

Selecting a Buddy Pokemon

In Pokemon GO, you can designate a Buddy Pokemon, which will walk alongside you in the game. Choosing the right Buddy is crucial for Candy collection. Consider selecting a Pokemon that evolves into a form you want to power up or one with rare Candy.

To set a Buddy:

  • Open your Trainer profile.
  • Access your Buddy Pokemon.
  • Choose the Pokemon you want as your Buddy.

Maximizing Candy Gain from Buddy Pokemon

Your Buddy Pokemon earns Candy by walking specific distances with you. To optimize Candy acquisition:

Select the Appropriate Buddy:

Pick a Pokemon that requires a shorter walking distance for Candy. Some only need 1 km, while others need 3 km or more.

Use Adventure Sync:

Activate Adventure Sync to count your steps and distance even when the app is closed. This can help you accumulate Candy without actively playing the game.

Participating in Raid Battles

Raid Battle Rewards

Participating in Raid Battles can be a fruitful way to earn Candy. After successfully defeating a Raid Boss, you’ll receive various rewards, which may include Rare Candy. Rare Candy is a versatile item that can be converted into Candy for any Pokemon of your choice. Here’s how you can earn Rare Candy from Raid Battles:

Joining Raids:

Keep an eye out for nearby Raids on the in game map. Participate in different levels of Raids, such as 1 star to 5 star Raids, to maximize your chances of obtaining Rare Candy.

Defeating Raid Bosses:

Work together with other Trainers to defeat the Raid Boss. The higher the Raid level, the more rewards you’ll receive, including Rare Candy.

Strategies for Raid Battles

To succeed in Raid Battles and maximize your Rare Candy earnings:

Build a Strong Team:

Ensure your Pokemon lineup is well equipped to counter the Raid Boss’s type and moves. Type advantages can make a significant difference in the battle’s outcome.

Coordinate with Other Trainers:

Raids are often more manageable when done as a group. Collaborate with other Trainers to increase your chances of defeating the Raid Boss.

Use Effective Pokemon:

Select Pokemon with high CP (Combat Power) and move sets that exploit the Raid Boss’s weaknesses.

Dodge and Time Your Attacks:

During the battle, dodge incoming attacks to keep your Pokemon in the fight longer. Time your charge moves to maximize damage.

Transferring Pokemon

Pokemon Transfer Mechanism

Transferring Pokemon is another method to gain Candy in Pokemon GO. Here’s how it works:

  • Go to your Pokemon collection.
  • Select the Pokemon you want to transfer.
  • Scroll down and tap “Transfer.”

You’ll receive one Candy for the specific Pokemon species you transferred. This method is handy for obtaining Candy for common Pokemon.

Smart Pokemon Selection for Transfers

To make the most of this method:

Prioritize Surplus Pokemon:

Transfer Pokemon you have multiple duplicates of, especially if they are common in your area. Keep the highest CP and IV (Individual Values) specimen and transfer the rest.

Event Pokemon:

During special events or Community Days, you might encounter increased spawns of certain Pokemon. Catch as many as you can during these events, and then transfer the extras for extra Candy.

Evolving Pokemon

Candy Gained from Evolutions

When you evolve a Pokemon, you earn Candy specific to that Pokemon’s evolutionary line. For example, if you evolve a Charmander into a Charmeleon, you’ll gain Charmander Candy. This can be a reliable way to accumulate Candy, especially for Pokemon with readily available evolutions.

Prioritizing Pokemon Evolutions

Consider evolving Pokemon that have multiple evolutionary stages, as they typically yield more Candy. Additionally, focus on those with high CP and good IVs to ensure your evolved Pokemon are strong and useful in battles.


In Pokemon GO, accumulating Candy is essential for powering up and evolving your Pokemon. By following the strategies mentioned earlier, you can efficiently gather Candy and enhance your Pokemon’s potential. Remember to prioritize catching, hatching, and walking with your Buddy Pokemon to maximize your Candy collection.

With a well rounded Candy collection approach, you’ll be better equipped to evolve and power up your Pokemon, making them formidable contenders in battles and adding depth to your Pokemon GO experience. So, go out, catch ’em all, and enjoy enhancing your Pokemon with the sweetness of Candy!

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