How to Get Gallade in Pokemon Violet: A Comprehensive Guide

In Pokemon Violet, the quest for Gallade begins with the desire to add this unique and powerful Pokemon to your team. Gallade is not only a strong and versatile fighter but also a Pokemon with a captivating design, making it a sought after addition for trainers. But, How to get Gallade in Pokemon Violet?

What makes Gallade fascinating is its intriguing evolution method and its dual typing of Psychic and Fighting. Its chivalrous and knight like appearance has captured the hearts of many Pokemon enthusiasts. We will guide you through the journey of obtaining Gallade and explore the reasons behind the fascination with this remarkable Pokemon.

How to Get Gallade in Pokemon Violet

How to Get Gallade in Pokemon Violet?

Ralts as the Starting Point

To initiate Gallade’s evolution, you’ll first need to acquire a Ralts. Ralts is the foundational Pokemon in the evolutionary chain leading to Gallade, making it crucial to your quest.

Locations to Find Ralts

Understanding where Ralts can be found in Pokemon Violet is essential. We’ll provide detailed information about specific in game locations where you can encounter Ralts. This knowledge is your first step in the journey toward Gallade.

Catching Ralts

Once you’ve located Ralts, capturing it is the next step. We’ll offer valuable tips and strategies to increase your chances of successfully catching Ralts. This step is vital as Ralts is the gateway to Gallade’s evolution.

Gender and Evolution

Ralts’ gender plays a pivotal role in determining its evolution. Understanding why gender matters and how to determine it is crucial as it directly impacts the path to evolving Ralts into Gallade.

Importance of Ralts’ Gender

We’ll delve into the significance of Ralts’ gender in its evolutionary journey. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions as you work towards Gallade.

How to Determine Ralts’ Gender

Determining Ralts’ gender in Pokemon Violet is essential for its evolution into Gallade. Here’s how you can determine Ralts’ gender:

Check the Summary Screen: After capturing or encountering a Ralts, go to your Pokémon menu. Select Ralts from your list of Pokémon and choose the “Summary” option.

Look for Gender Symbols: On the Ralts Summary screen, you will find two symbols representing its gender. These symbols are:

  • ♂️ Male Symbol: This symbol resembles a circle with an arrow pointing to the upper right, and it indicates that Ralts is male.
  • ♀️ Female Symbol: This symbol looks like a circle with a cross underneath, and it signifies that Ralts is female.

Observe the Symbols: Depending on whether you see the male or female symbol next to Ralts’ name, you can determine its gender.

  • If you see the ♂️ male symbol, Ralts is male.
  • If you see the ♀️ female symbol, Ralts is female.

Triggering Gallade’s Evolution

Evolving Ralts into Gallade is a multi step process that involves more than simply reaching a specific level. It requires establishing a strong bond of friendship and trust between you and your Pokemon, along with reaching the appropriate level for Kirlia, Ralts’ evolved form.

Friendship and Trust:

  • To evolve Kirlia into Gallade, you’ll need to build a strong bond of friendship and trust with your Kirlia.
  • This is typically achieved by having Kirlia in your active party, battling alongside it, and giving it items like vitamins and berries.
  • Spending time with Kirlia in the game and engaging in various activities will help increase your friendship level.

Leveling Up Kirlia:

  • Once your Kirlia has reached a high level of friendship and trust, you can proceed to the next step.
  • Level up your Kirlia. The specific level required for evolution can vary, but typically, Kirlia evolves into Gallade starting at level 30.

Evolution into Gallade:

  • When Kirlia reaches the required level and has a strong bond with you, it will naturally evolve into Gallade during a level up.
  • The evolution process happens automatically, and you’ll witness Kirlia transform into the majestic Gallade.
  • After this evolution, you’ll have a powerful Gallade on your team, ready to take on new challenges in Pokemon Violet.


Can You Find Gallade in the Wild in Pokemon Violet?

No, Gallade cannot be found in the wild in Pokemon Violet. You’ll need to follow the specific evolution method to obtain a Gallade by evolving a Kirlia that meets the requirements.

Are There Any Special Events for Gallade in Pokemon Violet?

Pokemon Violet may feature special events or promotions related to Gallade at certain times. Keep an eye on official announcements and in-game notifications to stay informed about any Gallade related events.

How to Ensure a Male Ralts for Evolving into Gallade?

To ensure you have a male Ralts for evolving into Gallade, you can check Ralts’ gender when you encounter or hatch it. Male Ralts have a different appearance than females, with distinctive visual cues, such as shorter “hair” or “horns” on their heads. You can catch a male Ralts to begin your journey towards obtaining Gallade.


In conclusion, adding Gallade to your Pokemon Violet team can bring a lot of joy and excitement. This powerful Pokemon has unique abilities and skills that can greatly enhance your gameplay experience.

When Gallade joins your team, it opens up new strategies and possibilities. Its combination of Fighting and Psychic types provides a strong advantage against various opponents. This means you’ll be better equipped to face different challenges in the game.

Furthermore, Gallade’s elegant appearance and strong presence on your team can be a source of pride for any trainer. Its sleek design and powerful moves make it a standout choice for battles and adventures.

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