How to Get Bees Out of Advanced Beehive in Minecraft?

Think of the advanced beehive as a little bee city, complete with workers, builders, and guards. However, just like a city can become crowded, so can a beehive. When the hive gets too full, it can lead to some challenges.

We’ll explore these challenges and why it’s crucial to maintain a balanced bee population in your Minecraft beehives. Understanding these reasons will help you become a skilled beekeeper in the game, ensuring the health and productivity of your buzzing friends. So, let’s delve into the world of bees and advanced beehives in Minecraft!

How to Get Bees Out of Advanced Beehive in Minecraft?

How to Get Bees Out of Advanced Beehive in Minecraft?

Getting bees out of an advanced beehive in Minecraft requires a few steps to ensure the safety of both the player and the bees. Here’s a step by step guide:

Gather Your Materials:

  • Obtain shears or a dispenser with empty glass bottles.
  • Optionally, wear a full set of leather or iron armor to reduce the damage from bee stings.

Approach the Beehive:

  • Approach the advanced beehive cautiously to avoid provoking the bees.

Using Shears:

  • If you have shears, right click on the beehive with them. The bees will exit the hive without stinging you.
  • Make sure you have an empty glass bottle ready to collect the bees.

Using a Dispenser:

  • If you’re using a dispenser, place it adjacent to the beehive.
  • Load the dispenser with empty glass bottles.
  • Activate the dispenser using redstone power. It will automatically collect the bees and fill the bottles with honey.

Collecting Honeycomb:

  • After the bees have left, you can harvest honeycomb by right clicking on the beehive with shears.

Remember to be patient and gentle during this process, as provoking the bees can lead to stings. With the right tools and approach, you can safely and efficiently get bees out of an advanced beehive in Minecraft.

Why Remove Bees from Advanced Beehives

In the enchanting world of Minecraft, advanced beehives are bustling hubs of bee activity. While bees are essential for pollination and honey production, there may come a time when you need to consider removing them from these hives. Understanding why can be crucial for maintaining a harmonious ecosystem.

One primary reason for bee removal is overcrowding. As the bee population within a beehive grows, it can lead to congestion and stress among the bees. Overcrowded hives may become less productive, affecting honey production and pollination efforts. Bees need space to thrive and work efficiently.

By removing excess bees from advanced beehives, you can help alleviate overcrowding issues and ensure that the bees remaining in the hive can continue their vital tasks without unnecessary stress. It’s all about striking a balance between benefiting from their honey production and maintaining a healthy bee population in the Minecraft world.

Methods for Safely Getting Bees Out

Now, let’s talk about how to safely remove bees from advanced beehives in Minecraft. We want to do this without causing harm to the bees or ourselves.

Using a Campfire: One way to safely get bees out is by placing a campfire under the beehive. The smoke from the campfire calms the bees, making them less likely to sting you. Once they’re calm, you can safely approach.

Using Shears: You can also use shears to extract bees. Right click on the beehive with the shears, and the bees will come out without harm. Make sure you have an empty glass bottle ready to collect the bees.

Using a Dispenser: If you want an automated method, set up a dispenser with empty bottles. When activated, the dispenser will collect bees automatically. This method is convenient and safe.

These techniques help you safely remove bees from advanced beehives, ensuring a peaceful process for both you and the bees. Remember, it’s all about keeping everyone safe while enjoying your Minecraft beekeeping adventure.

Steps for Removing Bees

Let’s break down the steps for safely taking bees out of advanced beehives in Minecraft:

Step 1: Prepare Necessary Materials Before approaching an advanced beehive, ensure you have the necessary materials, such as campfires, shears, empty glass bottles, and a dispenser loaded with empty bottles. Having these tools ready will make the removal process smoother.

Step 2: Approach the Hive Gently approach the advanced beehive without making sudden movements or loud noises. Bees are sensitive to disturbances, and aggression can be triggered if you startle them.

Step 3: Safely Collect the Bees Depending on your chosen method (campfire, shears, or dispenser), carefully interact with the hive. Use the campfire’s smoke to encourage the bees to leave peacefully. With shears or a dispenser, extract honeycomb or honey bottles without harming the bees.

Tips for Avoiding Bee Aggression:

  • Avoid hitting or attacking the bees; this will provoke them.
  • Wear protective gear like a full set of leather or honeycomb covered armor to minimize damage if stung.
  • Keep a safe distance from the hive when the bees are agitated.

By following these steps and tips, you can safely and efficiently remove bees from advanced beehives in Minecraft while ensuring the well being of both the bees and your character.

Managing Extracted Bees

After successfully removing bees from advanced beehives, it’s essential to know how to manage them effectively. Here’s what you can do:

Creating New Hives or Colonies: To maintain a sustainable beekeeping operation, consider setting up new hives or colonies. You can craft beehives and use them to create new homes for the extracted bees. Placing them in suitable locations with plenty of flowers will ensure their well being.

Utilizing Bee Products: Bees are valuable for their honey and honeycomb production. You can use honeycomb to craft more beehives or collect honey bottles for various crafting recipes. These resources are essential for enhancing your gameplay.

Promoting Sustainability: To sustain your beekeeping efforts, make sure to replant flowers and maintain a lush floral environment around your hives. This will provide a continuous source of nectar and pollen for your bees.

By responsibly managing extracted bees, you can maintain a thriving beekeeping operation in Minecraft, ensuring the well being of these beneficial insects and reaping the rewards of their honey and honeycomb production.


Can bees be removed without angering them?

Campfires: Placing a campfire beneath the beehive produces smoke that calms the bees. This prevents them from becoming aggressive while you extract them.

Shears: Right clicking on a beehive with shears allows you to collect bees without angering them. Bees will exit the hive without stinging you.

These methods mimic real life beekeeping techniques that keep bees calm and non aggressive during the extraction process. However, it’s essential to note that if you attack bees or their hive directly, they will become hostile and sting you in defense. So, using the right tools and methods is crucial to ensure a safe and non aggressive bee removal process in Minecraft.

How do I avoid harming the bees during removal?

To avoid harming the bees during removal in Minecraft, follow these steps and precautions:

Use Appropriate Tools: Use shears or a dispenser with empty bottles to extract bees safely. These tools prevent harming the bees and allow you to collect them without causing harm.

Wear Protective Gear: Consider wearing a beekeeper’s suit or other protective gear to minimize the risk of bee stings while interacting with the hive.

Create Calm: If you’re using shears or a dispenser, there’s no need to provoke the bees. Approach the hive calmly without making sudden movements.

Campfires: If using a campfire method, place it beneath the hive to produce smoke. The smoke calms the bees, reducing their aggression.

Be Patient: Allow the bees to exit the hive peacefully. Rushing the process or trying to force it can lead to bee stings.

Avoid Direct Attacks: Never attack bees directly or the hive itself, as this will provoke them and result in stings.

What do I do with the honeycomb and honey?

In Minecraft, honeycomb and honey have various uses and can be valuable resources. Here’s what you can do with honeycomb and honey:

Craft Beehives: Honeycomb is used to craft beehives. You can use these hives to attract and house bees, allowing you to start your own beekeeping operation.

Food Source: Honey can be consumed as food in the game. It provides a decent amount of hunger points when eaten and can be a valuable source of nourishment.

Craft Honey Blocks: Honey can be crafted into honey blocks. These blocks are sticky and can be used for various redstone contraptions and mechanisms in Minecraft.

Craft Honey Bottles: Honey can be collected in bottles by using empty bottles on a hive or bee nest. These honey bottles can be consumed or used for crafting.

Curing Villagers: In some cases, honey can be used to cure Zombie Villagers. When you have a Zombie Villager and a honey bottle, you can feed it the honey, which may lead to the Villager’s transformation back into a normal Villager.

Crafting Potions: Honey is an ingredient in certain potion recipes. You can use it in the brewing stand to create various beneficial potions.

Utilizing honeycomb and honey effectively can enhance your Minecraft gameplay by providing food, crafting materials, and even redstone related components.

Can I automate the bee removal process?

Yes, you can automate the bee removal process in Minecraft by using certain redstone mechanisms and devices. Here’s how you can automate the process:


In conclusion, managing bees and their hives in Minecraft can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. We’ve explored various aspects of beekeeping, from safely removing bees from advanced beehives to using honeycomb and honey in a variety of ways.

By following the right methods and precautions, you can ensure the well being of your bees and maintain a sustainable beekeeping operation. Remember to use tools like shears, campfires, or dispensers to extract bees without harming them, and always wear protective gear.

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