How to Change Your Name in Pokemon GO: A Step by Step Guide

In the world of Pokemon GO, your Trainer Name is like your online identity. It’s how other players recognize you, and it’s an essential part of your Pokemon GO journey. Your Trainer Name adds a personal touch to your adventures, making them more enjoyable.

However, there might come a time when you want to change your Trainer Name. Maybe you’ve outgrown your old name or want to give your character a fresh start. Understanding how to change your Name in Pokemon GO is essential in such circumstances, and that’s what we are going to explore today.

how to change your name in pokemon go

Trainer Name Change Procedure

Initial Trainer Name Selection:

When you first start playing Pokemon GO, you have the exciting opportunity to choose your Trainer Name. Take your time to pick a name that suits you and represents your style as a Trainer. However, once you’ve selected a name, it’s essential to understand the limitations that come with it.

Trainer Name Change Limitations:

Niantic, the company behind Pokemon GO, has some restrictions in place to ensure fair play and prevent abuse. These limitations include:

  • One Time Change: Initially, you can only change your Trainer Name once. This means you should think carefully before settling on a name.
  • Name Availability: The new name you choose must not be currently in use by another Trainer. Duplicate names are not allowed.
  • Profanity Filter: Niantic enforces a strict profanity filter. Your new name should not contain any offensive or inappropriate language.

Requirements for a Name Change Request:

To request a Trainer Name change, you need to meet specific requirements set by Niantic. These requirements may vary, so it’s essential to keep an eye on official announcements and updates from the game developer. Typically, you may need to reach a certain level or achieve specific in-game milestones before becoming eligible for a name change.

How to Change Your Name in Pokemon GO?

Accessing the Name Change Option:

Changing your Trainer Name in Pokemon GO involves a few simple steps. First, you need to access the name change option within the game. You can usually find this option in your Trainer profile settings or the game’s settings menu. Keep in mind that you should follow the specific steps provided by Niantic, the game’s developer, as the location of this option may change with updates.

Entering a New Trainer Name:

Once you’ve accessed the name change option, you can enter the new Trainer Name you’d like to use. Remember that this name must adhere to the game’s guidelines, which include avoiding profanity and ensuring that the name is unique and not already in use by another Trainer.

Confirming the Name Change:

After entering the new name, the game will typically ask you to confirm your choice. Make sure you double check the name for any typos or mistakes before confirming the change. Once you confirm, your Trainer Name will be updated, and you’ll be known by your new name in the Pokemon GO world.

Name Change Cooldown Period:

It’s important to be aware that there might be a cooldown period before you can change your Trainer Name again. Niantic often imposes limitations to prevent frequent name changes, so be patient if you decide to change your name multiple times. During this cooldown period, you won’t be able to request another name change, so choose your new name wisely.


How Often Can I Change My Trainer Name?

The frequency at which you can change your Trainer Name in Pokemon GO may be limited by Niantic, the game’s developer. There is usually a cooldown period that you must wait through before requesting another name change. This cooldown period can vary, so it’s essential to check the game’s official guidelines for the most up to date information on name change limits.

Can I Change My Trainer Name for Free?

Usually, the first Trainer Name change is offered for free in Pokemon GO. However, subsequent name changes may come with a cost, such as in game currency or a special item. Be sure to check the game’s official guidelines to understand the pricing structure for name changes.

What Should I Consider When Choosing a New Name?

When selecting a new Trainer Name, consider that it should adhere to the game’s guidelines. This means avoiding offensive or inappropriate language, ensuring the name is unique, and not using any trademarked terms. Additionally, think about a name that represents you well in the Pokémon GO community.

Is There a Way to Appeal a Rejected Name Change Request?

If your name change request is rejected, you may want to check the specific reason provided for the rejection. In some cases, it might be due to not following the game’s guidelines. If you believe your request was wrongly rejected, you can usually contact Pokemon GO support or customer service to appeal the decision. Provide clear information about your situation and the reason you believe the rejection was incorrect, and they may review your case.


Changing your Trainer Name in Pokemon GO is a unique opportunity to make your in game identity more personal and reflective of your journey. It allows you to express your style, interests, and personality within the Pokemon GO community. Whether you choose a name inspired by your favorite Pokemon, a clever pun, or something entirely unique, your Trainer Name is a chance to stand out and connect with fellow players. Embrace this chance to personalize your Pokemon GO adventure and make it truly your own.

Once you’ve successfully changed your Trainer Name and ensured it adheres to the game’s guidelines, it’s time to embrace your new identity in the Pokemon GO world. Explore, battle, and catch Pokemon with your fresh name, and remember that it’s not just a change of words but an opportunity to refresh your connection with the game. Enjoy the journey, connect with other Trainers, and continue to make unforgettable memories as you pursue your Pokemon GO goals with your new, personalized Trainer Name.

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